All work and no play... well, we all know how that sentence ends! It's Saturday, and so it feels right to show some gratitude for the times when we can step away from the hard work of the conference, to rest and recharge. Even better, to rest and recharge in the relaxing waters of a hot spring! I mean -- just look at it! Burgdorf is just one of the hot springs around McCall -- and there are even more amazing places to unwind. Getting out on to the lake, going for a hike -- the natural beauty of Idaho is an astonishing background for the conference.
When we're lucky enough to be in McCall, we're also fortunate to have so many places to gather before and after rehearsal -- for coffee, for a meal, for a glass of wine. It's difficult to name all our favorite places -- but suffice it to say that we don't go hungry or thirsty! And so many of these places welcome us by giving our company members discounts -- and so we want to give them an extra thank you! The next time you're in McCall, make sure you stop by one of these great local establishments:
all the places that give us discounts, makes us feel welcome and help us unwind.
We of course have the Alpine Playhouse as our flagship space, but with anywhere from 4 to 8 plays rehearsing sometimes simultaneously, the need for rehearsal space and meeting rooms multiplies! We're fortunate, then, that we have so many wonderful conference partners that open their doors to us!
The 2020 Conference... made possible by Zoom!Even though we weren't able to safely meet in McCall for our 2020 conference, we still had a busy and successful -- and joyful! -- conference. Pictured above is only a fraction of the work we were able to accomplish last June -- thanks to the Zoom platform.
In fact, the 2020 conference played host to our largest company of artists ever! More than 70 artists in 17 states, across 4 time zones worked on plays with 8 amazing playwrights. We were even able to continue our work with the student playwrights at McCall-Donnelly High School (one of our highlights of every conference). We presented 3 public zoom readings with over 300 audience members attending from 24 states and 3 countries! With audience members stretching from Hawai'i to Belgium, one reading bridged across an 11 hour time difference! But our largest pool of attendees came, as always, came from our home audience in McCall, Idaho. We came away from the 2020 Conference tremendously grateful for the technology that enabled us to extend our reach far beyond anything we could have imagined, as well as the opportunity to connect with the home and heart community we were so deeply missing in McCall. Our actors were sent green screens -- you can see them in the photos with our Production Manager, Ed Baker, who helped us all solve our many technical problems -- and Skip Mercier designed virtual backgrounds to bring actors into the same virtual space. (But we'll thank Skip more later!) While we of course missed McCall mightily, the marvels of 21st century technology allowed us to have design meetings, rehearse -- and even socialize! (The only thing we couldn't do was have a virtual hot springs trip!) You can read more about the 2020 conference in this lovely article in American Theater, written by one of our conference playwrights and board member Patrick Gabridge! Here's one thing that's for sure about the Seven Devils Playwrights Conference: It just wouldn't be the same without the Alpine Playhouse! The Playhouse is a converted church that is a cultural landmark in McCall, hosting performances and events all year 'round. And for two weeks in June, it's our artistic home, and for that, we're truly grateful.
Today we give a huge round of applause for the Alpine Playhouse board:
Thank you, Alpine! In spite of the many challenges we are all facing this holiday season, we come to our annual fall fundraising campaign feeling a tremendous sense of gratitude. That’s why we’ve decided to put gratitude boldly, and very deliberately, at the heart of this year’s efforts – with our 30 Days of Gratitude Campaign. Today marks the beginning of a 30-day celebration of the people, organizations and funders who have sustained Seven Devils for more than 20 years, and along the way we’ll be raising the funds we need to continue our mission. We could think of no better way to launch our campaign than with a celebration of our generous donors:
THANK YOU for making SO MUCH POSSIBLE! You can join all these donors by making your donation today! photos by Sarah Jessup
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